For Life Story Writers

Life stories have long, high-jumping, fast-running legs. They can heal, pass on culture and history to future generations, and set the record straight. They leap into memoirs, autobiographies, songs, poetry, visual art, satires, cartoons, novels, and fact-based fiction. If you're already writing your life stories, or planning to, I hope that my writing journeys shared here will give you ideas for where your journey can take you.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Trailer Park Sunday Morning

My home with a yard that will soon be a garden
As usual on Sunday Mornings, I'm listening to Fred Migliore on FM Odyssey. Hmm. I don't agree with some of his selections of "cringe-songs." I'm sure I've written a number of songs that would fall in that category for some people, but not for me. Still, the music Fred shares always brings back memories and makes me want to get up and dance--I don't usually give in to that urge!

I'm feeling grateful for so many supportive, loving friends who have helped me in so many ways to turn my life from miserable to happy since June 2010. Here are a few highlights of the past nine months:

Ron VanDyke tears out an office full of shelves.
A number of dear friends, among them, Becky, Sue, Melanie, Mike, and Ron (more that I can't remember--forgive me!) showed up to help me clean out my mother's Melbourne, Florida, house that I inherited in June 2010. It was very dirty, in disrepair inside and outside, and full of the furniture and belongings of two deceased people. 

Mike Bailey and Ron load junk into Mike's truck 
My mother's husband, who had a life estate there, left this planet just in time! I was in living in St. Augustine, exhausted and hysterical from working 14/7, totally broke, living among criminals and druggie neighbors, days from being carless, and weeks from being homeless. If my friend Lew hadn't sent me $1000 the month before to help me pay my rent on time, I wouldn't have been able to move back to Melbourne. He also paid for the major repairs to my new house.

 I had to return my leased Honda to the company in October.

Days later, my sister Margo and her husband John in Frederick, Maryland, gave me their '96 Buick. They spent a considerable amount fixing it up to give to me, and more flying me to Frederick and back to Florida with the car on the fast night-train.

The roar of snoring kept me from sleeping on that 17-hour journey home. In the breakfast car, those same people were complaining that they didn't sleep. Could've fooled me! The train pulled into Sanford, and I had to choose my correct car from among 250 cars that were unloaded. By the time I found it, I was so stressed out, I couldn't figure out how to roll up the window. I called John, who suggested in a kind tone of voice that I start the engine.

The car and I made it home to Melbourne, and my now-departed rottie, Savannah helped me create a heart-felt thank you.

Margo also paid most of the legal fees to get the house through probate and to give me her 50% share, so it is now in my name. 

A million grateful thank you's to my family and friends, many whom I haven't named here. I'm comfortable and safe in my home, with a car that takes me to the grocery store and doctors' offices, and life is wonderful--for now.

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