For Life Story Writers

Life stories have long, high-jumping, fast-running legs. They can heal, pass on culture and history to future generations, and set the record straight. They leap into memoirs, autobiographies, songs, poetry, visual art, satires, cartoons, novels, and fact-based fiction. If you're already writing your life stories, or planning to, I hope that my writing journeys shared here will give you ideas for where your journey can take you.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


The midwest winter day
darkens and chills my home.
My mind struggles
To find reasons why to live.
I light candles, room to room
But they don't light my spirit.
When you get to this age
Life's a game of jacks.
You throw the ball in the air,
And before it can bounce,
Life beats you to the grab.
The jacks disappear,
A loved one here,
A body part there,
Your face in the mirror,
Disfigured with age,
Your bank account you couldn't save.
I've lost so much, and I know it's true:
Life doesn't care what you're attached to.

Renelle West
November, 2006
Canton, Ohio

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